- Fistula in Ano is a chronic inflammatory condition having a tubular structure, opening in Ano rectal canal at one end and surface of perianal skin on the other end.
- Classical fistula has two openings. One internal (in Ano-reclalcanal) and other external (in the skin of peri anal area )
- Chronic pus discharge in the peri anal area indicates ? fistulous opening
- Pain off and on, pus discharge from external opening some time it closes itself anal again opens after the pus formation
- Deep seated abscess in the source of pus
An acute abscess in one or more potential spaces around Anorectad canal. Source of infection could be a number of predisposing conditions e.g.
- Infection at the root of pile. mass
- Infected and inflamed anal crypt.
- Traumatized muco-cutaneous lining of Ano rectal canal due to indigested foreign body e.g. fish bone.
- Inflamed or thromboseal condition of previously existing pile mass.
- Retained sutures after Haemorrhoidectomy
- Injection of chemical for treating piles
- Foreign Body Penetrating from out side
- Radiation burns from x-Rays and radiotherapy

View of the anal region showing seven external fishulous openings around the anus

(A) Passing a probe-pointed director into low anal andal fistula.
(B) Sagittal section showing palpation of the anal canal